Valve Body Kits
Updated 4-6-09
Designed and tailored for the Corvette enthusiast. Our "Positive Action for Corvette"Valve Body Kit is the answer for producing quick, crisp shifts but maintains under normal throttle mild positive shifts. Increases transmission life by eliminating slow, sluggish shifts and aids in reducing high transmission temperatures. Responsive in downshift and upshitts. Asset for competitive road courses. Each kit complete with all necessary parts, including a separator plate, spacer gaskets, pan gasket and simple step-by-step instructions. Installation normally less than two hours with a tew basic tools and 5-6 quarts of a quality transmission fluid. To achieve results, the kit must be installed properly and the transmission functioning correctly prior to installation of the kit. Suggest changing your transmission filter (if not cleanable type) when installing our "Positlve Action for Corvette" Kit.